SQLi Series - Database Enumeration I  - 05

SQLi Series - Database Enumeration I - 05


4 min read

    • The process of gathering information about the database using SQL queries within SQL injections

      • Involves identifying the DBMS type, available databases, tables, and columns

      • Crucial for properly forming SELECT queries to extract data

  1. Prerequisites

    • Understanding of SQL queries in MySQL

    • Knowledge of SQL injection techniques

    • Access to a vulnerable web application with SQL injection flaws

MySQL Fingerprinting

  1. Why is MySQL Fingerprinting Important?

    • Different DBMS have different queries and syntax

    • Identifying the DBMS helps in using the correct queries for enumeration

    • Narrows down the focus to MySQL-specific techniques

  2. Initial Guesses Based on Web Server

    • Apache or Nginx web server suggests Linux OS and likely MySQL DBMS

    • Microsoft IIS web server suggests Microsoft OS and likely MSSQL DBMS

    • Not always accurate, as various databases can be used with any web server or OS

  3. MySQL-Specific Fingerprinting Queries

QueryWhen to UseExpected OutputWrong Output
SELECT @@versionFull query output availableMySQL version (e.g., 10.3.22-MariaDB-1ubuntu1)Error or different DBMS version
SELECT POW(1,1)Only numeric output1Error
SELECT SLEEP(5)Blind/No outputDelays response by 5 seconds and returns 0No delay in response


  • Trying @@version in the SQL injection payload returns "10.3.22-MariaDB-1ubuntu1"

  • Confirms the DBMS is MariaDB, similar to MySQL

  • With direct query output, no need to test other payloads


  1. What is the INFORMATION_SCHEMA Database?

    • Contains metadata about the databases and tables on the server

    • Crucial for exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities

    • Allows retrieving information needed for forming SELECT queries

  2. Required Information for SELECT Queries

    • List of databases

    • List of tables within each database

    • List of columns within each table

  3. Referencing Tables in Different DatabasesExample: SELECT * FROM my_database.users;

    • INFORMATION_SCHEMA is a separate database

    • Tables cannot be directly called with SELECT statement

    • Use the dot '.' operator to reference tables in another database


  1. Purpose of the SCHEMATA Table

    • Contains information about all databases on the server

    • Used to obtain database names for further enumeration

    • The SCHEMA_NAME column holds the database names

  2. Testing the Query Locally




Copy code+--------------------+
| SCHEMA_NAME        |
| mysql              |
| information_schema |
| performance_schema |
| ilfreight          |
| dev                |

Note: The first three databases are default MySQL databases and can be ignored during enumeration.

  1. Using UNION SQL Injection to Retrieve Database Names


cn' UNION select 1,schema_name,3,4 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA-- -

Example URL:



  • Apart from default databases, "ilfreight" and "dev" databases are discovered
  1. Finding the Current Database

    • Useful to know which database the web application is using

    • Can be found using the SELECT database() query


cn' UNION select 1,database(),2,3-- -

Example URL:



  • Shows the current database is "ilfreight"

  • The "dev" database looks interesting for further enumeration


  1. Purpose of the TABLES Table

    • Contains information about all tables across the databases

    • Used to retrieve table names for querying with SELECT statements

    • The TABLE_NAME column stores table names

    • The TABLE_SCHEMA column indicates the database each table belongs to

  2. Retrieving Tables within a Specific Database


cn' UNION select 1,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_SCHEMA,4 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema='dev'-- -


  • Replace column numbers '2' and '3' with 'TABLE_NAME' and 'TABLE_SCHEMA' to get both outputs

  • Add a condition (where table_schema='dev') to filter tables only from the "dev" database

Example URL:



  • Reveals four tables in the "dev" database: credentials, framework, pages, and posts

  • The "credentials" table could contain sensitive information worth investigating


  1. Purpose of the COLUMNS Table

    • Contains information about all columns present in the databases

    • Helps find column names to query a table

    • The COLUMN_NAME, TABLE_NAME, and TABLE_SCHEMA columns are useful

  2. Retrieving Column Names for a Specific Table


cn' UNION select 1,COLUMN_NAME,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_SCHEMA from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name='credentials'-- -

Example URL:



  • Shows the "credentials" table has two columns: username and password

Extracting Data

  1. Forming the UNION Query

    • With the database, table, and column information, a SELECT query can be formed

    • Place the desired column names in place of the corresponding column numbers


cn' UNION select 1, username, password, 4 from dev.credentials-- -

Note: Use the dot operator to refer to the "credentials" table in the "dev" database

Example URL:



  • Retrieves all entries from the "credentials" table

  • Contains sensitive information like password hashes and an API key


  • Database enumeration is a crucial step in SQL injection exploitation

  • Involves identifying the DBMS, databases, tables, and columns

  • The INFORMATION_SCHEMA database provides metadata for forming SELECT queries

  • MySQL fingerprinting helps in using the correct syntax and queries

  • Retrieving data from specific tables requires knowing the database, table, and column names

  • Be cautious when dealing with sensitive information and ensure proper authorization

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